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Configuration file

Here are the different options that can be configured within the config.yaml file (located in the .remi/ folder).

Don’t worry, most of those options are set to sane defaults when initializing the project (remi init). In practice you might only change a few of them at some point.

Some options are missing from the automatically generated config file but can be added manually if needed by the user. It does not mean that they are not supported.

# If true, makes remi's output more explicit
verbose: false

# Name for your project
project_name: PROJECT_NAME

# Inria username

# Location of the project on the remote computer
project_remote_path: /scratch/INRIA_DESKTOP_HOSTNAME/INRIA_USERNAME/.remi_projects/PROJECT_NAME

  # Name of your Inria workstation


  # Whether to use the singularity container when running jobs on the workstations.
  use_container: true

  # Desktop background jobs
    # Which backend to use (`screen` or `tmux`)
    backend: screen

    # Whether to keep the session alive after the job has ended.
    # It lets you attach to the session to see the program output.
    # If 'false', the session will be closed when the job is over and stdout/stderr will be
    # lost.
    # CAUTION: If true, you will have to manually re-attach and close the session.
    keep_session_alive: false

# Bastion used to ssh into Inria resources
  enable: true
  username: INRIA_USERNAME

# Singularity container options
  # The name of the 'recipe' file (`.def`) to build the singularity container.
  def_file_name: container.def

  # The name of the singularity image.
  output_sif_name: container.sif

  # A dictionnary of binds for the singularity container.
  # If the value is empty (''), the mount point is the same as the path on the host.
  # By default, the project folder is bound within the singularity container: This configuration
  # then allows you to add extra locations.
  # Example:
  #     /path_on_host/my_data: /path_in_container/my_data

  # Whether to bind beegfs. (It will be available as `/beegfs/` in the container).
  bind_beegfs: false

  # A dictionnary of environment variables to pass to the container.
  # Example:
  #     FOO: bar
  #     TERM: xterm
  #     LONG: "This is a long sentence"
  #     EMPTY:

  # The HOMEDIR is mounted by default by singularity.
  # If you want to disable this behavior, set the following option to true.
  # Learn more:
  no_home: false

# Oarsub options (for more details on `oarsub`, please refer to

  # Job name
  job_name: PROJECT_NAME

  # Number of hosts requested.
  num_hosts: 1

  # Number of cpu cores requested.
  # If the value is 0, all the cores for the requested cpus will be used.
  num_cpu_cores: 0

  # Number of GPUs requested.
  # If the value is 0, no GPU will be requested (CPU only).
  num_gpus: 1

  # The maximum allowed duration for your job.
  walltime: '72:00:00'

  # The name of the requested cluster (perception, mistis, thoth...)
  cluster_name: perception

  # Optionnaly specify the id of a specific node (gpu3, node2...)

  # If the options above are too restricive for your use-case, you may
  # directly provide a property list that will be provided to `oarsub` with the
  # `-p` flag.

  # Whether to schedule the job in the besteffort queue.
  besteffort: true

  # Whether to set the job as idempotent (see oarsub documentation for more details).
  idempotent: false

  # Template name for the log files.
  # By default the log files are named: YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.JOB_ID.JOB_NAME.std[out, err]
  # Ex: 2022-06-12_14-47-52.7502202.bce_type2_EaConv1d.stdout
  # You can use '%jobid%' and '%jobname%' to reference the job id and name.
  # '.stdout' and '.stdout' is appended at the end automatically.
  # Example:
  #     log_file_name: 'oar_log_%jobid%_%jobname%'


  # The Gricad cluster (bigfoot, dahu, luke, froggy)
  prefered_cluster: bigfoot

  # The Gricad project you are a member of
  # see:
  project_name: pr-ml3ri

  # Location of the project on the remote computer
  project_remote_path: /bettik/PERSEUS_USERNAME/.remi_projects/PROJECT_NAME

  # Whether to use the singularity container when running jobs on Gricad
  use_container: true

  # The name of the singularity image.
  singularity_image: container.sif


    # Job name
    job_name: PROJECT_NAME

    # Number of nodes requested.
    num_nodes: 1

    # Number of cpus requested (per requested node).
    # If the value is 0, all the cpus for the requested node will be used.
    num_cpus: 0

    # Number of cpu cores requested.
    # If the value is 0, all the cores for the requested cpus will be used.
    num_cpu_cores: 0

    # Number of GPUs requested.
    # If the value is 0, no GPU will be requested (CPU only).
    num_gpus: 1

    # GPU model (leave blank if you have no preference)
    # Possible values: 'A100', 'V100', 'T4'
    gpu_model: V100

    # The maximum allowed duration for your job.
    walltime: '48:00:00'

    # Template name for the log files.
    # By default the log files are named: YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.JOB_ID.JOB_NAME.std[out, err]
    # Ex: 2022-06-12_14-47-52.7502202.bce_type2_EaConv1d.stdout
    # You can use '%jobid%' and '%jobname%' to reference the job id and name.
    # '.stdout' and '.stdout' is appended at the end automatically.
    # Example:
    #     log_file_name: 'oar_log_%jobid%_%jobname%'

# Remote servers
# Remote servers are applications that run on a remote computer and can be accessed from your local
# browser thanks to remi.
# Two such servers are supported right now:
# - Jupyter notebook
# - TensorBoard
  # The command to run for opening the local browser (`<browser_cmd> <url>`)
  browser_cmd: firefox

  # Jupyter notebook
    # The port (local and remote) for the server
    port: 8080

    # If true, automatically open the jupyter notebook in the local browser.
    open_browser: true

  # TensorBoard
    # The port (local and remote) for TensorBoard
    port: 9090

    # Directory from where to run tensorboard.
    logdir: 'output/'

    # If true, automatically open TensorBoard in the local browser.
    open_browser: true